Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scary month

A week or so before Christmas Alexus came to us with this bump on her neck, Chuck and I were both REALLY worried, so we took Alexus in. The doctor was very blunt and said that it COULD be cancer, but that she didn't think that it was.She thought it was just some fatty tissue. She told us to watch Alexus, and if she started to act strange,more tired, bruises, not her normal, or the bump got bigger to bring her in immediately. If it wasn't gone in 3 weeks that we should bring her back in then they would start tests. I got this very yucky feeling. I felt like we were up for a crazy couple of years. On the way home Alexus started to ask questions.

A - What is cancer? Me - it means your sick

A - What would I have to do ? Me - take some medicine

A - what if it doesn't go a way and they have to do surgery? Me - well we will deal with it then.

A - I'm scared about the surgery part I have never had anything like that before.

I tried to tell her that everything was going to be fine. By no means was I going to go all the way into what cancer REALLY was and what could happen. I thought that if we have to go down that road I would tell her then. I made sure that I stayed away from the computer. I knew that I could really freak myself out.

The next night some great friends changed their plans and came over so that Dave and Chuck could give her a blessing. I still felt yucky about everything. The next day I felt okay to look at the computer and then I also talked with Chuck's mom. She told me that she had, had some bumps, and that they had gone away. I felt more and more like it WAS just fatty tissue and that everything was going to be fine.

Now almost 3 weeks later the bump is almost gone. I know that the blessing helped. It is amazing the things the Lord can do. We are so Blessed.


manders said...

Hey Jill, I am so glad that she is ok. Blessings are the true answer. I am so sorry that you had such a scare. You are a great mom and she is adorable.
luv ya

Erickson Family said...

Thanks for sharing. Things like that are so scary! I get those fatty bumps alot too. I hate them, they are uncomfortable and itch sometimes. =<

Jill said...

I tagged you, so now you have to post!! :)

Andrea said...

freaky! Glad its going away!